We don’t know where they’re from, or why they came
The Calamity of Steel
They came in the time of my father’s father. First a strange star gleamed, unknown to the astrologers and alchemists. Then a comet of ill omen appeared in the western sky, growing brighter each night. When the seeress of Tythia cried out warning to all the kings and queens, sorcerers and priests, it was far too late. The calamity of steel was upon us. Abominations of machine rained as the strange metal moon shattered above.
The Mechfall had begun.
Magic and Machine Collide
The world knew sorcery, spells, and all manner of the arcane. But nothing in the tomes of the ancients or spells of the arch-mages prepared them for the horror the calamity of steel wrought. We cannot know why they have come, or what they seek, only that they are driven inexorable to destroy and devour.